Bubonicon 50 – Day One

For those of you who follow me on any of the social media platforms that I’m a part of, you’ll know that last weekend I spent most of my time at the Bubonicon convention here in Albuquerque. I really enjoyed myself and as per previous years will be giving you a rundown of who I saw, what I heard and just generally, what went on.

Review – I Was A Teenage Weredeer

Jane Doe gets a couple of surprises when Victoria O’Henry turns up dead. The first is that someone has killed the scion of the local werewolf pack and most powerful family in town. The second is that her brother is the prime suspect. So when Jane’s best friend asks her to look into the murder, what else is a teenage weredeer supposed to do?

Author Toolbox Blog Hop – Writing Action Scenes

Regardless of the genre that we choose to write in, there’s a good chance we’ll want to include some sort of action scene or scenes in our work. It may be a one-on-one fight, it might involve two massive armies. It could involve various weapons or vehicles. It could even be two men chasing a swan. Whatever type of action you want to write, I hope some of the following thoughts will prove useful.

Review – Paternus: Wrath Of Gods

Now that Fi knows the truth about the mysterious man she had been caring for and the uncle who raised, she has to start coming to terms with the truth about herself. That will be easier said than done as she and her quasi-boyfriend Zeke are pursued by ancient gods, demons and monsters. But they have some gods on their side as well…